
Friday, June 25, 2010

Kiddie Vegetable Tray

Last Saturday oldest grandbaby and Mom were visiting.  I had a heads up that oldest grandbaby wasn't feeling much like food lately so I decided to make a dip & finger food based meal.  On the menu: chicken strips with honey, homemade potato wedges with ketchup, and a vegetable tray with ranch dressing.  The honey, ketchup and ranch dressing were in individual dipping bowls.  Kids just seem to love dipping foods so I thought this would be a good menu choice.

cheese and cookie cutters
I seldom buy American processed cheese unless it is for a special project.  Instead we use pre-cut cheddar cheese slices or simply cut cheese slices ourselves.  The week before we hosted a large event where we served grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and sausages resulting in a few left-overs including cheddar cheese slices.  I decided to use mini cookie cutters to cut out cheese shapes for the vegetable tray. 

Originally I planned to use three shapes but as things progressed I ended up using only the duck shape.  Cutting the cheese shapes was quite easy.  I cut one slice of cheese at a time getting 6 shapes out of each slice of cheese.  The cheese stuck in the cookie cutter but popped right out with a gentle poke.

kiddie veggie tray
I arranged the cheese ducks arround the rim of a serving platter.  I added cut pieces of pepperettes, sliced cucumber, baby carrots and green pepper slices.  I served individual dipping bowls of ranch dressing to go with the vegetables.  I thought the overall presentation came out nicely.  The little one aka oldest grandbaby really enjoyed the vegetable tray and dipping the vegetables.  This is the type of tray that could easily be adapted to meet the likes of the child.  I can get away with using a lot of vegetables because our grandkids love vegetables.

Oh a bigger scale this is an easy way to add a theme to any vegetable tray for entertaining.  It would be a great way to add that special touch for holiday entertaining.  This will be a presentation that I expand on!


  1. I love this.. It always fun to use the cutters.I bet they ate them up fast.

  2. Great idea with the cutters!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Auntie E :) The little one really enjoyed the vegetable tray.

  4. Thanks Linda :) I hope you enjoy your weekend as well.

  5. cutters are so much fun and so versatile. I use them on cheese and also on grilled sandwiches. The kids love them.

  6. Hi Jen :) Using cutter for grilled sandwiches is a great idea!

  7. That is such a great idea, especially for the summer. My daughter is picky, but she does actually like cut up veggies and dip and she would love the cheese cutouts. I've made cutouts using bologna before, but for some reason never thought of it with the cheese - great idea and so pretty. That would be nice to bring to a party, too!

  8. Hi Carole :) I'm glad you like the idea of using cookie cutters. It does give the tray a dressed-up look, doesn't it?

  9. Hi. living on the north shore of superior I am always looking for ways to bring spring and summer a little closer.
    This tray looks so summery it would be a hit any time of the year.


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