
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Cut a Mango (video)

On Sunday I wrote about the chicken and mango chutney dinner I made.  One of our local grocery stores has cases of mangos on sale for $3.99.  Each case contains 14 mangos.  My husband brought home one case for me.  This case will be used for fresh eating and to make mango chutney and mango jam.  At this price I will be getting a second case before the end of the sale.

Mangos have a large pit that can present a bit of a problem if you don't know how to cut a mango.  Improperly trying to cut a mango ends up in a mushy mess but properly cutting you end up with slices, dices or chunk rather quickly.  Rather than trying to explain how to cut a mango, I found this good video that demonstrates how to cut a mango by Chef Allen Susser.  Notice that Chef Allen holds the unpeeled mango pieces in the palm of his hand to do the slicing and dicing technique.    If you want chunks rather than dices space the cuts further apart when doing the dice cut.


  1. He makes it look like there is no pit at all! ;)

  2. Hi Linda :) For the size of the pit it blends in quite well until you hit it. He does make it look easy, doesn't he.


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