
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Dinner at the Club House

We were extremely lucky in discovering this location for our vacation home.  The amenities are absolutely wonderful!  There is excellent food right at the club house without even leaving the park.  This worked out quite nicely for use on a working vacation trip.  We ended up eating breakfast and lunch most days at the house working between meals to get the house into shape then we headed down to the club house where we enjoyed very reasonably priced, home style cooked meals.

fried chicken
You just can't go wrong with fried chicken!  I ordered the fried chicken dinner that came with a garden salad, mashed potatoes green beans and dinner rolls ($9.99).  The chicken was some of the best fried chicken I've tasted!  It was nice and crispy on the outside, moist and tender on the inside and just a lovely flavour.  The potatoes were real mashed potatoes not instant and the green beans were cooked southern style.  I've heard a lot about southern style green beans but had not had them.  Southern style green beans are cooked a lot longer usually in a little bacon fat.  They have a lot of flavour.

turkey manhattan
My husband ordered the Turkey Manhattan.  The meal included turkey breast on bread slices served with mashed potatoes and gravy ($8.25).  It looked like there was a thin layer of dressing between the turkey breast and the bread as well.  The meal got two thumbs up from my husband.  He said it was just like homemade!  Now this would be an extremely easy meal to duplicate at home and a perfect way to use up left-over Thanksgiving turkey.  As such I've put the meal idea into my easy uses for left-overs folder. 
cherry al a mode pie
Sometimes just a little sweetness is needed to end a meal.  We are not huge dessert eaters by any stretch of the imagination.  We very seldom have dessert at home unless there is a special get-together or if I'm doing a bit of experimenting in the kitchen.  When we are eating out my husband will occasionally order a bowl of vanilla ice cream.     Instead of plain ice cream he finished this meal of with a slice of cherry pie topped with French vanilla ice cream.  Doesn't it just look like a scrumptious way to end a meal?  

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