
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Venison Loin Chops Cooked in Caramelized Onions

We have been under a cold snap for the last few days. While we have seen much snow accumulation yet I'm simply not in the mood to go out into the cold weather. These are days I appreciate simple, homestyle cooking from the pantry. The holidays are over and we're gearing up for the new growing season as well as our beef on the hoof purchase so pantry cooking it is! I decided to work a meal around venison loin chops.

venison loin chops cooked in caramelized onionsVenison Loin Chops

Venison can have a wild taste to it often referred to as being gamey. This flavour is dependent on how the deer was killed (spooked, chased will taste stronger), what the deer fed off of and how the kill was treated in the field. Some don't mind a strong gamey flavour and in fact that is an asset when making venison chili. However, on cuts of venison such as loin chops and roasts the gamey flavour may be a bit too strong for some. Soaking the venison in milk, buttermilk or vinegar overnight will remove the strong gamey flavour while tenderizing the meat. Tomatoes also help remove the gamey flavour. A second problem that is noticeable with venison is because it is so lean the meat must be served hot otherwise it has a poor mouth feel. The solution for this is to pair the venison with a pork product such as ground pork with ground venison or bacon/bacon fat with whole cuts of venison.

We decided to take a spin off of the way we enjoy liver and onions for this meal. Moisture is key to keeping the meat tender. We started the onions in a little bacon fat in a non-stick fry pan. When the onions were transparent and just showing signs of browning we added the venison chops. The chops were only about ½ - inch thick and about 3 - inch diameter so not very big. We continued cooking until the onions caramelized and the chops were caramelizing. The result was scrumptious tasting, tender venison loin chops that were perfect comfort food for a cold winter's meal!


  1. but but... you are eating Bambi's mother!!!!

  2. The reality is wild game including venison is a staple meat in many homes. It is considerably leaner than beef and can be used much the same as beef. Friends of ours eat no domestic meats at all. Hunting and trapping is a way of life for many as a way to put food on their tables.

    When it comes to the Bambi issue, there are many areas where deer culls have to be held to control the deer population. When over populated disease is rampant and they take a huge toll on farmers fields as well as home gardens. They also cause considerable damage through vehicle accidents. In terms of being humane, hunting and putting a deer in the freezer is a lot more humane then all of the other problems due to over population.

  3. I've never had venison before, but when I was younger we ate liver with onions and it was one of my faves! Glad to see you're able to use things out of your pantry during these cold days:)

  4. Hi Chey :) Venison can be cooked very much like beef except you have to compensate a little for it being so lean. I so love liver and onions! I never did the way my Mom cooked it but my husband uses the onion method. It is so good!

  5. My daughter in law served us chevreuil for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner in France. That prompted all sorts of discussions as to what sort of venison it was. Apparently it's roe (spotted) deer but I hadn't before focused on the different species of deer. Presumably the taste differently. The chevreuil was really quite gamey, but I did like it. I've had venison in Scotland many times, but it was relatively bland in comparison so I'm assuming it wasn't roe.

  6. Hi Sheila and thanks for visiting. I know the deer in southern Ontario taste significantly than those in northern Ontario. This is due to their diets. This likely is the reason you've noticed a difference in the venison you've had as well although it stands to reason that the deer species contributes to the flavour as well.


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