
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kitchen Quick Tips - Celery

kitchen quick tips
When putting it into the refrigerator remove it from any store packaging. Wrap in aluminum foil then refrigerate. It will keep for weeks! If celery is limp, renew it by soaking in ice water.


  1. You always have the best ideas! I've been using my vegetables rubbish to make and can broth since you suggested it - often using the celery that was beyond salvaging. Thanks for the tip on how to keep celery fresh until the two of us can use it!

    Thanks for your kitchen wisdom!

  2. Oh. Okay. I had always been taught to clean it and put it in a glass of water. But that definitely doesn't always work!

    Just put it in aluminum and clean before use? Does it matter shiny side in or out?
    Do you fold the ends like the little packets for the grill?
    Sorry for all the questions. :*)

  3. Hi Linda :) Don't was the celery before wrapping in foil. Simply wrap securing the ends. You don't really need to make into a packet but you could. That way you would only need to open one end to remove the celery for use and reseal any left-overs.

  4. Thank you, GG. :)


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