
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goose Sausage Appetizer

After being away for two weeks so I could great our new grandbaby's entrance into the world, I arrived home late afternoon with just enough time to get things ready for entertaining a larger event that evening. I enjoy entertaining as well as trying new foods so I don't always follow the Golden Rule of Entertaining. The reason I can get away with this is for some events we host especially the monthly get together is two fold. I know the group (20 - 30 guests) that come to these regular get togethers so have fine tuned what they like and don't like. I know which ones do not consume alcohol, how they like their coffee and even if they don't like a particular ingredient. Another reason I can get away with this is I make sure there are alternative offerings including two versions of some things with an ingredient missing (eg. onions) that I know some do not like.

goose sausage appetizerGoose Sausage Appetizer

One of our friends (and family) seldom eats domestic meats but rather the majority of the meats they eat is wild game. A lot of the wild game is from his successful hunts. He always brings some of his great wild game creations to these events. I never know what he is bringing so I try to be flexible.

This time he brought wild goose sausage. I was amazed at the colour that had overtones of burgundy. Oh my gosh was this sausage ever good! It was mildly seasoned with a deep, rich flavour. I made a tray using the goose sausage, English cucumbers and mini toasts topped with herb & garlic cream cheese. The sausage was a huge hit!

I'm sorry I don't have a recipe for the goose sauce but would recommend The Hunter's Game Cookbook (1978) by Jacqueline E. Knight for wild game recipes. I will be posting a few venison recipes from this book as I try them. I'm hoping to get a few game birds later this year too so will post any recipes. I finally found a place where I can buy moose meat so do watch for that recipe as well.

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