
Monday, November 03, 2008


Dear Readers: The ghosts and gremlins are still at it so you will be seeing a lot of things going on today during the testing phase. Hopefully you bare with me as I change things multiple times for a whole new look but don't worry as the recipes and pictures you are used to will remain the same. As you can see the changes will be involving the background, header and sidebars along with a surprize or two. I will post another update this afternoon then by this evening things should be back to normal with more good food coming from our kitchen.



  1. Hi. I like the changes, pink is one of my favorite colors.
    A good tuesday. Mizé.

  2. Mizé, this blog has been pink since I started it because at that time I had a pink kitchen. It was a seriously pink kitchen! Looking back on it though three of the homes we have owned has had pink in the kitchen in some form just not like the last one. Anyway, I like pink and I didn't want to go to far off of the original design. I like pink too :)


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