
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pumpernickel Bread

Who has not enjoyed pumpernickel bread? It appears at almost every gathering with spinach dip in the hollowed out loaf as a now classic appetizer. Pumpernickel bread is rich and filling with a lovely comforting, earthy flavour . Traditionally pumpernickel is a German rye bread that gets its colouring and flavour from a 16 to 24 hour bake time in long, narrow covered pans at 120ºC (250ºF) in a steamed-filled oven. American style pumpernickel, the one most of us are familiar with gets its colouring and flavour from the addition of coffee, cocoa powder and molasses and whole wheat flour is added for the gluten along with yeast. Caraway seeds may or may not be added for additional flavour. The traditional shape for American pumpernickel is a round loaf that gives elongated oval slices. The best part about American pumpernickel is you don't have to wait 24 hours to enjoy it!

Pumpernickel Bread

The aroma of pumpernickel bread baking will have your mouth watering in anticipation. While it pairs nicely with spinach dip, my favourite way to eat pumpernickel bread is spread with cream cheese. The two play against each other creating a yummy comfort snack.

Pumpernickel Bread

1⅔ c milk
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp molasses
2 tsp sea salt
2⅓ c unbleached flour
1 c whole wheat flour
¾ c dark rye flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp instant coffee
2 tsp instant yeast

Place the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl of the KitchenAid® stand mixer. Using the dough hook, mix ingredients on speed 2. Combine the wet ingredients in a large measuring cup. Continuing on speed 2, mix in the wet ingredients until the dough leaves the side of the bowl. Adjust with a little extra unbleached flour if the dough is too wet. Knead on setting 2 until dough is smooth and elastic. Unplug mixer. Remove dough hook. Shape dough into a round. Cover and set in a warm spot to rise until double. Punch down the dough. Shape into a round loaf. Place on silpat lined baking sheet. Let rise until double. Bake at 190ºC (375ºF) until golden brown and loaf sounds hollow when tapped.


  1. Your bread looks lovely! Thanks for the recipe...I'm new to bread-baking and I can't wait to give this a try!

  2. My first encounter with Pumpernickel bread left me wondering if there's any "Pumpernickel" in it. Then I had the impression that it has pumpkin in it. Gosh...
    Long hours of baking? Guess this bread costs a lot... electricity bills will be astronomical :P
    And that explains why the bread is pretty dry..

  3. You welcome Jenny. Bread making is quite easy so I'm sure you will enjoy it. One taste of fresh baked bread and you will be hooked!

  4. Sher, I would imagine the low, slow baking of German style pumpernickel would be expensive at our fuel rates and drying would be a problem. The bread you tried might also have been dry because it wasn't freshly baked. Artisan and home made breads don't have all the preservatives to keep them soft so are best used within a couple of days. This pumpernickel bread is nice a moist.

  5. Long time no read! :) I absolutely love pumpernickel but really prefer the dark kind. However, I'm going to try your recipe when I have an oven again. The bread looks great!

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