
Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007


  1. Dear Garden Gnone,

    I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Blessd, Happy & Healthy Holiday season.
    Thank you also for the wonderful Blog you write.
    I find myself checking out your website almost every day to see what you have been up to lately!

    I can't tell you how many wonderful Ideas and great Information I take away from your Blog each time I read it!

    I want you to know that you are an Inspiration to me!

    Just call me a Garden Gnome Wannabe!

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

  2. hope you and your family had a wonderful christmas gg! there were surely alot of offerings on my holiday table made from recipes gleaned from here!
    speaking of recipes, what's on your new year's eve menu?

  3. Rosie, thank-you so much for your wonderful message. It brought tears to my eyes! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. I hope you don't mind but I shared your message with my family who also thought it was a lovely tribute.

    Happy Holidays and all the best in 2008

  4. Happy Holidays Jayedee! We had a lovely Christmas celebration. Thanks for asking. I do hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas as well.

    Gosh, I should have made this question into a full post. I don't have a menu for this New Year's Eve as we will be guests for a house party. I usually keep New Year's Eve dinner fairly simple because most years we host a smaller type party so there are a lot of appetizers and snack out.

    New Year's Day is another story. It signals a brand new start with all the hopes and dreams the year will unfold so we go all out. This day is very much family oriented but friends drop in throughout the day with some staying. This happens whether we have been out very late or stayed at home. Traditionally the meal is grilled steak regardless of the weather and it is tradition to have my husband dressed in his trademark dress of Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandles while he does the grilling. The steak is served along with lobster tails (most years), baked potatoes, and a vegetable along with salads and a variety of appetizers. Desert isn't served as a course but rather there are platters of cookies, candies and sweets out for anyone who wants them.

    On this year's menu: New York Strip Steaks, lobster tails, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions, baked potatoes, niblet corn, tossed salad.


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