
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Pureé & Pumpkin Loaf

Pumpkins are botanically a fruit but are used as a vegetable for culinary purposes. They are a member of the squash family. Did you know that pumpkins are good for your health? They have no cholesterol*, have a very low sodium content and a high water content. pumpkins are high in beta carotene which helps reduce certain types of cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease. At only 80 cal per cup of pumpkin pureé combined with the health benefits, pumpkin is a good food choice. Pumpkin can be served as a vegetable (steamed, boiled, baked) or used to make delectible baked goods.

Pumpkin Loaf

Pumpkin loaf has a rich, aromatic flavour that is sure to please. It is a quick bread with a nice texture perfect for any occasion. The loaf freezes nicely so be sure to make extra. In a previous entry, I gave the method for canning pumpkin chunks. These can be warmed to serve as a vegetable but if you want to make pumpkin pie, you will need to pureé the pumpkin. Fresh pumpkin pureé is easy to make. It freezes nicely so be sure to make a lot.

Pumpkin Pureé

Wash the pumpkin. Remove the top and clean out the seeds. Cut the pumpkin in half then into 1 - inch strips. Peel each strip. Cut strips into 1 - inch pieces. Place the pieces in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Boil until the pieces are soft. Remove from heat and drain. Pureé the pumpkin pieces in small batches using a blender on the pureé. Allow to cool. Place into freezer containers in 1 cup and 2 cup amounts. Freeze. To use, thaw and stir then use in your favourite pumpkin recipes.

Pumpkin Loaf

1 c brown sugar
½ c grapeseed oil
1 ⅔ c pureed pumpkin
2 eggs
2 ½ c unbleached flour
3 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp ground cloves
1 tsp cinnamon

Pre-heat oven to 350ºF. Beat together sugar, oil, pumpkin and eggs. Put dry ingredients in Kitchen Aid mixing bowl and mix on speed 2. Pour in pumpkin mixture and mix on speed 2 until well blended. Spoon the batter into a large greased loaf pan. Bake at 350ºF for 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool slightly and remove from pan.

* While pumpkin itself does not contain cholesterol, many pumpkin recipes are high in cholesterol because of their egg content.


Garden Gnome


  1. Ohhh! Looks yummy :) Thanks for the great recipe!!

  2. What about puree from roasted pumpkin?

  3. You are quite welcome tweezle. Enjoy!

  4. Natalie, you can use any form of cooking for pumpkin puree. I use either steaming or boiling because I can do a lot in a very short period of time. Roasting takes a longer and I do use that method for acorn squash but not for pumpkin especially when canning.

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I made this for a church dinner today. Everyone loved it. I also added chocolate chips to a batch. It was really good.

    Thanks for the recipe.

  6. Lori that sounds like an interesting combination. I'm glad the pumpkin loaf went over well.

    Take care.


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