
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pickled Eggs

What do you do when you have an abundance of eggs? When properly refrigerated at 41ºF eggs will last 4 to 5 weeks. Eggs are one of those foods that do not preserve well by the common methods of canning, drying, or freezing. I have heard that you can scramble eggs then freeze and since commercially available meals exist this is likely true however I have not tried it myself. My experience with re-heated scrambled eggs is that they are rubbery in texture and the flavour is lacking. However eggs in dishes such as quiche freeze nicely so that is one way to use up extra eggs while making a few meals for the freezer.

Pickled Eggs

Pickled eggs are a common snack sold in taverns and some variety stores in our area. They are very easy to make. I will stress homemade pickled eggs are not shelf stable. They must be refrigerated! They will keep in the refrigerator for about 6 months. I generally make a dozen pickled eggs at a time simply because refrigerator space can be at a premium many times. Twelve large eggs will fit nicely into a one L (quart) canning jar.

Pickled Eggs
source: Garden Gnome

1 dozen eggs
1 large onion
1 c white vinegar
1 c water
1/4 c granulated sugar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tbsp mixed pickling spices

Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil gently for 10 minutes. Drain. Run cold water over the eggs to cool then shell. Cut onion into slices then in half. Place the pickling spices into a tea ball (my method) or form into a spice bag using cheese cloth. Combine vinegar, sugar and water in another saucepan. Bring to a boil. Swish the spices for about 40 seconds in the vinegar brine. Layer the eggs and onions into a one litre mason jar. Pour the brine over the eggs leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Cap. Refrigerate one to two weeks before serving.


  1. I fell in love with "beet eggs" as a girl at our Pennsylvania Dutch annual family reunion. One of my aunties always made a big batch. Nowadays, I take a jar of homemade pickled beets and submerge boiled eggs in the jar. Couple days later, they're like beautiful glistening rubies. And delicious. I'll be pickling beets soon and making a batch of eggs soon after!

  2. I've never had pickled eggs, but it's worth a try.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  3. Hi Chris, I make pickled beets too so will have to try this. I've seen the pink pickled eggs in the variety stores. They are pretty in the jar!

  4. Makes my mouth water!

  5. Hi! I never tried a pickle egg before.

    we use to make salted egg (same like your procedure but with water and salt only, no other spices) but with duck eggs.

    I love to try it, do you use chicken or duck eggs?

  6. I actually tried making it at school when I was still younger. I remember slipping one of the eggs from hands and my classmate step on it. lol...

  7. Pickled eggs yum yum, mom made these fro me when i was young and havnt had them in many years, thanks for the reminded, may have to get some jars and make up a few. thanks again, if you are interested in cooking, food and life, check out my blog, its a little blog open for discussion and fun.

  8. How long do you have to let them set before they are pickled?


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