
Thursday, August 23, 2007

On the Grill - Pork Ribs with Steamed Broccoli

The weather was lovely last night so I decided to try my hand at grilling ribs. Despite me having a fair amount of experience grilling various meats, my husband generally grills the ribs. I decided to try my hand at grilling ribs so here is what I came up with.

On the Grill

I used a large slab of pork ribs then added a bit of my cooking expertise to come up with this meal. Accompaniments included grilled potatoes topped with sour cream and steam broccoli. What I was aiming for was a very tender, melt-in-your-mouth rib that was tasty. So I brought in one of my tricks from grilling chicken. There are very few times I don't grill chicken using beer to control the flames. To my way of thinking this method should work with ribs. From the comments, I was not far off the mark!

1 large slab pork ribs
2 cans light, preservative free beer
1/2 bottle barbeque sauce of your choice

For tasty ribs you want long and slow. Heat the grill to medium low then place the ribs on the grill. Let the ribs grill slowly while extinguishing any flare-ups with a spritz of beer. Once the ribs can be lifted from the grate, turn and generously brush on the barbeque sauce using a silicone brush. Leave the ribs to cook on the other side while the top side carmelizes. Continue spritzing with beer as needed to control flare-ups. When the bottom side is well marked, turn and brush with barbeque sauce then allow to carmelize. Remove from the grill and serve.


This really is not the best picture so I do apologize for that. The ribs came out melt in your mouth. I served the ribs with steamed broccoli and grilled potatoes. To grill potatoes put them onto indirect heat about 10 minutes before the meat goes onto the grill. Steamed broccoli keeps its nice bright green colour and tastes wonderful with just a pinch of sea salt and butter. Here's how I make steamed broccoli.

Steamed Broccoli
1 head fresh broccoli
sea salt to taste (optional)
butter to taste (optional)

Place about 2 inches of water into a steamer pot or pot with a colander and tight fitting lid. Wash the broccoli then cut into flowerettes reserving the stems (for broccoli soup later). Bring the water to a boil. Place the broccoli into the steamer basket and cover. Cook 3 minutes. Uncover, season and serve.


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Oh man! That looks so good! I wish you were my friend who regularly invited me over for bbq!!!

  2. ok.....i'm adding a rack of ribs to my grocery list this week!
    if anyone asks, i'll just tell 'em you twisted my culinary arm!LOL

  3. You just can't go wrong with a rack of ribs. They were on sale too so I bought two at just under $6 per rack. That makes it a fairly frugal meal as well :)


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