
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bulk Cooking - $12 Worth of Chicken

This blog turned one year old today. I can't believe it has been that long! I'm very stressed today so am cooking up a storm. I can't promise you any recipes or pictures tonight but they will be on the blog tomorrow and the next day or two. I might have to break them down into a couple of entries. The theme will be chicken.

Chicken breasts with skin and bone in on are sale so I couldn't resist. It will be a few days of processing chicken but not back to back. Today's and overlapping tomorrow for the canning session was $12 for the chicken breasts. That was for eight good sized chicken breasts so I decided to break them up into three dishes (5 meals), wraps (3 meals), one snack (Rachel Ray's Chicken Poppers) and homecanned chicken stock. I'd say that isn't bad for the price. I'll more than likely do another two or three sessions.


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