
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Burger!

My husband wanted to go out for Valentine's Day. We don't normally celebrate this day but after the last couple of disruptive days I was fair game. So he told me to name the restaurant and he would make the reservations. I surprised him by wanting to go to our favourite burger joint. The burgers here are quite large. The service is always wonderful too and we always have an enjoyable time. Now there was a method to my madness as I really didn't feel like getting dressed up and needed comfort food. This really fit the bill!

My husband makes burgers that are even better than this so I should have asked for that but hey we both needed a break. Watch for his burger recipe as I will be posting it later this month. It is best using homemade buns from the white bread recipe already posted but for that entry I'll likely do a repeat if only for the method.

Garden Gnome
© 2007

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