
Sunday, June 01, 2014

End of May Hiatus

I have been blogging since 2006 and as many of my readers have come to expect, have written a daily post even when on vacation.  We have a vacation home in Florida, a condo in Aruba, and just recently sold our boat replacing it with a tent trailer.  Essentially we spend at least four months of the year away from our primary residence in beautiful Ontario, Canada.  This past May we spent a week and a half at our vacation home in sunny Florida, a week in absolutely stunning Aruba, then back to Florida for another week.  I decided not to do any blogging while away but rather simply enjoy my time with my husband, family and friends.  I will be back to regular posting so watch for another post hopefully later today.

We enjoyed a lot of delicious foods while away which means I have a lot of memories to share with you along with a few new recipes.  The food we enjoyed in Aruba was superb!  Even simple dishes were presented nicely.  We have gotten into a bit of a routine in Florida with respect to eating and while we did not discover a new eatery this trip we did enjoy good food from some of our favourites.  In early November 2013, I started my fitness journey so prior to leaving was still in the weight loss phase.  I'm pleased to say I'm down to 112 lb and didn't gain an ounce while on vacation!  While I'd like to lose another 2 lb, it wouldn't bother me if I didn't.   Back on the home front, I had bought a smoker and deli-style food slicer before going on vacation.  My husband is putting the smoker together as I write this post.  I'm anxious to experiment with both and share my results.  I hauled out my cookbook from of former camping days.  We camped year round every chance we had!

That gives you a bit of a hint for the focus of my blog posts for the next while.  I hope you enjoy the upcoming posts and wherever you are, may your table always be blessed with an abundance of good foods!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are back and safe and sound. Was starting to worry that something had happened.


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