
Friday, October 12, 2012

Home Canned Pizza Sauce

Homemade pizza has been a long family tradition in our home.  During the busy tomato canning season I put up a fair number of jars of home canned pizza sauce along with the starts of pizza sauce to last us until the following year's crops of tomatoes.  You just can't beat homemade pizza with homemade pizza sauce.  This sauce can be frozen if you don't home can.  You can also tinker with the seasonings to get just the right combination for your family's taste buds.

home canned pizza sauce
This year I processed 12 - 250 ml jars of home canned pizza sauce.  This is not enough for the year but I have plenty of home canned tomato purée to make a couple more batches of the pizza sauce throughout the year as needed.  I also have crushed tomatoes in the freezer from when my husband was in the hospital that I'd like to can up to save freezer space.

I used the squatty 250 ml  Elite jars for the pizza sauce.  Normally I wouldn't use these but I didn't have enough of the jelly jar style of 250 ml jars to process the batch.  The squatty jars were a very generous gift from one of our friends who gave me 19 - 4 pks of the jars.  They are a wide mouth jar (86 mm) rather than standard mouth (70 mm).  I actually like them for salsa and home canned condiments because they look cute on the table.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying your pizza sauce today....after having spent the last 6 weeks (literally) canning tomatoes in some form, my last batch is going towards pizza sauce. I thank you for sharing your recipe, it will surely offset the 79 quarts of spaghetti sauce I have already made! (and the 24 pints of salsa and 12 quarts of juice and 10 quarts of sauce and 40 pints of pickled green tomatoes and 17 pints of green tomato marmalade and 20 pints of green tomato jam!)


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