
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lemon Peppered Chicken

Pork has been the bargain meat for the past couple of years.  The price went as low as 99¢ per lb ($2.47 per kg).  At the same time the price of other meats rose significantly especially chicken.  All of this was due to the H1N1 (swine flu) outbreak.  Chicken was always one of the least expensive meat choices but prices rose well over $1 a pound.  I refused to buy whole chickens that were going for about $2.50 per pound.  A four pound chicken was averaging $10 for awhile.  Chicken prices have not returned to their former low price per pound.  Current sale price for boneless, skinless chicken breast is $4 per lb ($8,82 per kg) and chicken legs with backs attached are $1.99/lb ($4.39/kg) which is quite a jump from the former 69¢ per lb.  So the days of inexpensive chicken are long gone but chicken is still a frugal choice of protein.

lemon peppered chicken

Chicken is a very versatile meat so despite the price increase we continue to enjoy it once or twice a week.  I particularly like chicken breasts because not only are they quite lean, they cook quickly.  I've been taking advantage of some of the chicken sales as well as just buying chicken breasts and chicken kiev from Elite Gourmet Foods.  It's been awhile since I have been this well stocked for chicken!

Bone-in, skinless chicken breasts were on sale so I picked up a couple of packages.  Each package contained four large chicken breasts (two plus meals) for about $6.  I don't mind removing the bone myself because the bones can be used to make stock. 

I seared the two chicken breasts then seasoned with lemon pepper, reduced heat and continued cooking until the juices ran clear.  I served the chicken breasts on a bed of long grain rice topped with steamed baby spinach.  I ladled mushroom gravy over the chicken breast.  I love easy recipes and mushroom gravy is ever so easy to make.

Mushroom Gravy

1 can condensed low sodium mushroom soup
¾ can milk
2 tbsp flour

Mix the flour with just enough milk to make a slurry.  Mix the condensed soup and milk together then heat to a low boil.  Slowly stir in the flour slurry.  Continue stirring until mixture is thickened.  Ladle as desired.

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