
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Breakfast at Du-Pars Restaurant and Bakery

My husband and I very seldom eat a full, hot breakfast at home.  It's not that we can't but rather that we enjoy lounging sipping hot coffee on weekend mornings.  Breakfast usually consists of a piece of fruit and yogurt unless the kids are home then we make a full, hot breakfast.  The funny thing is when we were doing a lot of camping bacon and eggs for breakfast was the normal camp breakfast.  When we are traveling we usually enjoy a full breakfast and yet at our vacation home unless we have company we are back to fruit and yogurt.  During our recent vacation in Las Vegas we ate a hot breakfast each morning.

poached eggs with country fried steak
Our first breakfast was at Du-Pars Restaurant and Bakery located in the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino.  This is a must stop at restaurant ever since we have been going to Las Vegas.  Their food is scrumptious and service always very friendly.  Their prices are in the average range with breakfast dishes around the $7 mark.

My husband ordered poached eggs with country fried steak.  Country fried steak is a thin cut of steak that is coated in a bread coating then fried.  It is usually served with a white gravy made from the pan drippings.  The breakfast came with choice of toast and coffee.  Coffee at Du-Pars is a nice full blend that compliments the breakfast nicely.  Refills are free.

sunny side up eggs
I ordered sunny side up eggs for dipping toast into.  This is my favourite way to enjoy breakfast eggs.  Unfortunately, dipped eggs have been discouraged due to a possible salmonella threat from under cooked eggs.  I've eaten a lot of eggs this way and have never been sick although I have had a bout of sickness due to salmonella that was not food borne.  It wasn't pleasant but I survived and learned a valuable lesson in the process.

My meal was more than substantial, nicely cooked just the way I like my eggs.  The bacon was quite lovely too, cooked to crispy unlike many times when it comes a bit undercooked for my liking.  All in all it was a great breakfast to start our vacation with!

1 comment:

  1. I always request "very crispy bacon" when ordering, otherwise I just cannot eat it.

    I also cannot tolerate any of the egg white uncooked so always get over medium, still have runny yolk, but all the white is cooked.

    We have a great diner here in town that we go to at least once per month - the breakfast consists of 3 eggs, 4 strips bacon (or other meat choice), toast & deepfried hasbrown potato chunks, and coffee with refills all for $5.75 (it was $4.50 when we started going there).

    Best part is that we know all the servers, so it is like visiting fmaily :)


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