
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pork Loin (5) - Pork Kabobs

One of the things I learns a long time ago about cooking is plans change.  I had cut the tip of the pork loin into strips fully intending to make ground pork.  My husband came home took one look at the pork strips then declared it was a good grilling day. So the strips that were supposed to be ground ended up being kabobs.

marinating meat and vegetables
Diana Sauce® (Canada only) makes a line of barbeque sauces and marinades.  It is one of the very few commercial sauces that I buy.  I marinated the strips in Diana Marinade Teriyaki marinade then echoed that flavour by marinating zucchini, mushrooms and red onions in the same marinade.  Once the meat and vegetables were marinated they were threaded onto soaked wooden skewers.

pork kabobs on the grill
We have metal skewers but I prefer using wooden ones.  The metal gets hot then radiates that heat to the inside of the meat and vegetables causing them to cook faster than desired.  I soak the wooden skewers in water for a couple of hours before using.  This prevents them from burning before the food is cooked.

The kabobs were grilled on medium until the vegetables were tender and the meat cooked through.  Note that technically the meat should have been threaded onto the skewers ribbon style but my husband has his own style sometimes.  We put the meat on before the vegetable by about 5 minutes.

pork kabob meal
We grilled enough meat for 3 strips each for dinner with left-overs for my husband's lunch the following day.  This is slightly less meat than a full pork loin chop.  Grilled vegetables are always a delight and our second favourite way of cooking next to steamed.  We paired the meat and vegetables with grilled tomato slices topped with EVOO, sea salt, pepper and mozzarella cheese.  Both meat and vegetables were pleasantly flavoured by the Terikayi marinade so this will be another Diana product I add to my list of keepers.  It was a simple, low prep meal that was quite tasty!

1 comment:

  1. katica_zadar8:40 AM

    Wow, this looks so delicious!!


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