
Saturday, December 05, 2009

T-Bone Steak on the Griddle

We do not grocery shop on any type of regular schedule. Rather we cherry pick the sales to replenish fresh fruits/vegetables, certain dairy and dried food products and any in store specials. On average we spend $25 per week although there are some months we may only spend that amount. Both of us always check the meat sales but only buy if it is a good sale.

Yesterday my husband stopped at the grocery store to pick up green onions, spinach and celery. He is really good at getting only the items on his list but like me cannot pass up a good meat sale. T-bone steaks were on sale so he picked up 2 for dinner bringing his grand grocery total to $12.37 bringing our total grocery purchase for the week to $28.25. Toilet paper was on sale 30 rolls for $3.97 so he picked up 4 packages earlier in the week. Not bad eh?

T-bone steaks cooked on griddleT-bone Steaks

We buy beef on the hoof that includes steaks custom cut to 1 - inch thick. This is a great thickness for grilling but in my opinion a bit too thick for pan frying or cooking on the griddle. Store bought steaks are usually cut to ½ - inch or a bit thinner making them ideal for pan frying but making it easy to over cook them on the grill. Cooking a thinner steak so that it maintains that melt-in-your mouth tenderness can be a challenge so we borrowed an idea we have long used when cooking liver and that is to cook the steak with the onions. This method always works! The end result is a nice flavourable, very tender piece of meat.

Method: Peel and chop Spanish onion. Heat griddle to 185ºC/365ºF. Place two generous pats of butter on the griddle then pour the onion pieces onto the griddle. Allow to cook until just lightly caramelized. Push the onions to the sides. Place the steaks on the griddle then surround with onions. Cook the steaks 5 minutes each side. Remove from griddle. Serve with choice of sides and caramelized onions.

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