
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Children's Snack

When our kids were young I was a fanatic about providing heathy snacks for them at home and while away. We did a lot of camping so I always made homemade snacks for them. The snacks were made according to where they would be used so those for school and camping were packaged differently. At home we had and still do have a never empty fruit bowl as well as plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Homemade snacks are always in the pantry. The grandbabies are now at the age where healthy snacks are a must. They have their little bowls of snacks for the drive to Grandma and Poppa's house but when they get here they want more snacks! I try to make sure there is a fun snack for them.

children's snackChildren's Snack

Children's snacks do not have to be complicated or difficult to make. Pictured is a snack I made for oldest grandbaby before youngest grandbaby was born knowing Mommy would be a bit hungry too. This was a very simple snack consisting of peanut butter, raisins, celery and cheese. What made it a bit different and kid friendly was using a star shaped cookie cutter to cut the Ziggy's® cheddar cheese slices.

Cookie cutters can be used for so much more than just cookies. I love using them to cut special cheese shapes but they are also great for making fun shapes out of fruit and vegetable slices. I've used them for cutting fun shapes out of breads to make fancy toasts for breakfasts, cutting fancy meatloaf shapes, cutting out thin chocolate shapes for garnishing deserts, and using as guidelines for decorating cakes and cupcakes. So cookie cutters are very versatile, fun gadgets to have in your kitchen. The best part is cookie cutters are beyond cheap! You can get quite a nice collection for under $10.


  1. cookie cutter shaped polenta, makes something with little taste (although I flavor mine with lots of things, blue cheese, raspberry chipolte BBQ sauce, etc) more presentable

  2. Oh that would make a lovely presentation for polenta!

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    This is all well and good for home but most schools do not allow peanut butter which is a shame since my youngest loves peanut butter

  4. Anonymous, I am well aware that most schools do not allow peanut butter and this post was not about snacks to take to school. If you want to make this snack for that purpose simply substitute the peanut butter for another dip that works well with celery.


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