
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bacon Fried Chicken

A few days ago I as I was doing my almost daily browsing of food blogs I came across a dish called bacon fried chicken on a few blogs. The ingredients listed for all were basically the same - bacon grease, chicken, salt and pepper. The method was the same as well. Simply melt the grease and fry the bacon. What I found interesting is how each blogger thought this was the best fried chicken they had ever tasted. So I just had to try it!

bacon fried chicken with rice and spinachBacon Fried Chicken

I used the bacon grease left over from the Farm-Style Green Beans. This was a maple flavoured bacon that I thought would really go well with chicken. Instead of salt and pepper I used a little garlic pepper. The method was very simple. I heated about ½ c of bacon grease in a skillet on medium high then added the chicken to fry to a golden brown. The chicken was served with Arborio rice cooked in chicken stock and steamed spinach topped with bacon pieces.

Pictured is the completed meal. The house filled with the tantalizing aroma of bacon cooking mixed with a hint of chicken. It really was a mouthwatering smell! This really was very good chicken but I cannot say it is the best fried chicken I've ever had. The chicken fried to golden brown looked gorgeous. The meat was very moist and tender. However, there was no actual bacon taste to the chicken not even on the nicely crisped skin which is something I was expecting. Bacon grease is usually used to give a hint of flavour to a dish. At any rate give it a try if you have a bit of left-over bacon grease. I'm sure you will be very pleased with the results. Just don't expect any bacon flavour.


  1. hi! you have many good recipes! I must check your blog more often. I'll only leave comment here for now...hehe just sneaking some time to blog =)

    happy weekend!

  2. Hi Ayie, thanks for visiting :) I'm glad you are enjoying my blog.

    Take care,


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