
Friday, February 20, 2009

Chicken Portobello

I can remember the first time I saw portobello mushrooms in a grocery store. At that time they were considerably more expensive than the common mushrooms. I bought one to use in my first attempt at making beef burgundy. The dish itself was a disaster beyond being edible but I learned the valuable lesson to never cook with a wine I wouldn't drink. Sometimes cooking lessons are hard learned! Over the years our preference has remained the common white mushroom. We do use a lot of them not only fresh but home preserved (some ways here). Not only are mushrooms low in calories they are high in vitamin B, potassium and phosphorus.

Chicken Portobello

A few years ago I began experimenting more and more using portobello mushrooms. I find these meaty, flavourful mushrooms are even more versatile than the common mushroom so watch this blog for more ways we enjoy this wonderful mushroom. Unlike the common mushroom I have not canned portobello mushrooms but I have dried then both as pieces and powdered.

When we were at Sam's Club on Saturday I bought 4 lovely portobello mushooms. Normally I do not like to buy mushrooms in plastic wrapped trays because moisture tends to make mushrooms tough and rubbery but also because this type of packaging is not environmentally friendly. I made an exception since these were such lovely looking mushrooms. As you know two of the mushrooms were made into very tasty portobello pizzas. Last night I used the remaining two mushrooms to make chicken portobello using a mushroom chicken sauce I often serve over rice or egg noodles. The result was a wonderfully rich and creamy yet very filling entrée.

Chicken Portobello

2 lg portobello mushrooms
2 boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 can condensed mushroom soup*
½ can skim milk
500 ml jar home canned green beans
125 ml (½ c) chicken stock
1 tsp Montreal Steak seasoning
1 tbsp butter
sour cream (optional)

Heat a little oil in a fry pan. Sear chicken breasts on both sides. Remove chicken breasts from pan and deglaze pan with chicken stock. Cut chicken breasts into cubes then put back into the pan. Sprinkle with seasoning. Stir in mushroom soup and milk. Bring to a simmer. Cover and let cook about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove cover and let sauce reduce to half. Stir in the green beans to heat through.

While chicken is simmering, heat oven to 350ºF. Place mushrooms gill side up on Silpat® lined baking sheet. Melt butter. Brush onto the mushroom using a pastry brush. Bake until cooked through about 15 minutes. Remove from oven and place in centre of plate. Top with the chicken mixture. Garnish with a teaspoon of sour cream if desired.

* Although we do not use condensed mushroom soup as a soup I keep a good supply on hand for making creamy mushroom sauces. Homemade mushroom soup is often used for the same purpose either fresh or frozen.


  1. I love portobellos!

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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