
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Smart Take-out

The holiday season is always busy and like many we too like to have a bit of a break from cooking. For the most part I rely on my freezer and pantry stock but there are those days when you get home much later than expected and really don't feel like cooking or even warming up something. If you have read this blog for any length of time you will know we are not huge fans of fast food. The food is of such poor quality and it is too costly in terms of food value. The last time we bought Kentucky Fried Chicken it was a 10 piece with side salads and gravy. The food itself was horrid even though it cost almost $30 CDN with taxes! We've discovered a whole new take-out that is affordable as well as being tasty.

Rotisserie Chicken

I cannot take credit for this idea for take-out. The kids in Wisconsin introduced me to the idea of buying rotisserie chicken hot from the deli. They can buy one for $3 then use it for a meal or pick it for soup. The grocery store where we spend most of our food dollars does not have a deli.

It was a long day on the 23rd and with the weather conditions we wanted to be on the road early on the 24th. At the same time we a full meal even though it was going on 8 pm before we ate. My husband picked up a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken at another grocery store. Apparently they go on sale for $5 CDN in the evening.

Now I do have to comment on the prices of whole chickens here. A raw chicken this size would cost me at least $8 if not more at our prices. Whole chickens never come down in price and they are seldom on sale! Yet a deli cooked rotisserie chicken can be purchased for less than a raw chicken? Each chicken is enough for a hearty meal for two as is or a large batch of soup with bones for stock. This is an ideal, economical solution for those days where picking up take-out is just too tempting. Serve with a couple of warmed (home) canned vegetables and a slice of bread for the taste of home cooking without the work and without the high prices of fast food.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    That is interesting about the price of the chicken. My guess is that the stores are using the whole chickens that they think aren't going to sell as the rotisserie chickens, and are basically seeing them as a loss-leader: People come in to buy a chicken for dinner, and leave with a bunch of other stuff at regular prices.

    In any case, I always enjoy a rotisserie chicken for dinner!

  2. Prices must be quite high the other side of the border. A couple weeks ago I got Perdue Oven Roaster chickens for $0.88 a pound. I wish I had a freezer, but don't. I still bought 4, cooked 1 right away, froze the other 3 and yesterday thawed 1 to cook tonight. It's in the oven now and should look just as delish as the photo on your blog. If I had a freezer I swear I would have bought every chicken in sight because the big roasters never get that cheap.

  3. The chickens our stores carry tend to be pretty small but Costco chickens are just $5 and huge! Easily a full meal for the 6 of us and leftovers. I like to serve it with a salad and rolls on the side.

  4. I like rotisserie chickens because they are juicier.

    It’s been wonderful knowing you. I enjoy reading your posts.

    May you be more charming, richer, healthier and happiest this coming new year!!

    Happy year 2009!

    Greetings and cheers from sunny Singapore!

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Nice idea...I have not yet to try a rotisserie chicken...but am planning on it soon!

  6. Just want to wish you Happy New Year!


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