
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Canada Remembers

I come from a strong military family with ancestors that were instrumental in shaping the history of Canada. I grew up surrounded by relatives who had fought for this country. Some of them made the ultimate sacrifice and while they are no longer here they live forever in our memories. If this video does not bring tears to your eyes, nothing will. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we honour our fallen with 2 minutes silence from shore to shore of our great nation, Canada. Please join our nation in showing our respect and how thankful we are for enjoying the freedom they fought so hard for. May we never forget!

Remembrance Day Tribute
courtesy of
Global TV Edmonton


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I feel for the families of the 98 Canadian soldiers who have died in Afghanistan. Kandahar may be 10,000 kilometers from British Columbia but those soldiers died defending our freedoms.

  2. I garden gnome. I'll remember alongside you. Very lovely tribute.

    I've just started my own food blog, though mine leans more toward the meatless variety. Please stop by. I'd like to link with you (especially after seeing that mango chutney recipe!).

  3. Go Nanaimo, for some reason folks think Remembrance Day is for just those veterans of WWI or WWII but that is not the case. It is for all veterans for all wars since Canada became a nation in 1867 and for those like me it goes well back to those who lost their lives making Canada a nation.

  4. Thanks Lori. I stopped by your blog. Your recipes look lovely so I will be trying some of them. Exchanging links is not a problem. I will add your blog link to my blog.

    Take care,


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