
Monday, October 27, 2008

Pizza at the Hockey Game

My apologies for not being around much last week. Seriously since last Saturday (18th) night when all of a sudden the following week was booked solid the only cooking we did was grilling burgers Sunday night for company, canning raspberry jam and applesauce Monday and heating chili from the freezer for Monday night's dinner. Tuesday through Thursday we were on a casino bus tip then Friday left to visit our kids (two couples, two grandbabies) and help parents to youngest grandbaby move into their newly purchased home. Unlike other trips I blog about the food was really not the highlight. It was good food but not spectacular. I thought I would start with the food from the hockey game then highlight some of the foods we enjoyed the rest of the week. Thursday's post will be about mangos so be sure to visit for that one.

Little Caesars® Pizza

My husband loves hockey especially following his favourite team, the Detroit Red Wings. When we go to the games he simply must Little Caesars® Pizza! He will start talking about it before we leave the house. He will mention it at least once on the long journey there. Then as soon as we are in the area he grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd just to get to the long line waiting for pizza. Little Caesars® Pizza is an American pizza chain founded by Mike and Marian Ilitch, owners of the Detroit Red Wings, in 1959. It is now recognized for being the world's largest in take-out pizza.

The Pizza

Here is the coveted pizza! It is a ham, mushroom and pepperoni pizza for $13.75. Seriously I don't think this is not all that special as pizzas go. Personally I find it just a bit too greasy for my liking. I can't even figure out why my husband insists on getting one but he does. It must be something with sitting the hot pizza box on your knees then watching the pre-game warm-up. I'm beyond even asking why but rather into the accepting stage of this is apparently the end all, be all fare for a hockey game.

Ok, I do really need to say something nice about the pizza. It is rather decently priced and I do like the sauce. The topping are more than adequate and it does go down nicely with a large adult brew. So there you have it. This is our standard hockey fare. Oh and I did get a lovely picture of a little guy holding another standard fare, the hot dog, complete with a whole lot of ketchup but I'll share that at another point when I have nothing cooking related to blog about :)


  1. I've got to stop reading your blog on an empty stomach. The pizza looks terrific. It does look greasy, but still really good. I like my pizza with tons of cheese,salami,garlic, and any other type of meat:)

  2. wow pizza! yummy! how i wish i can grab a bite now. :)

  3. Go Red Wings! Nothing like pizza at Joe Louis Arena and some blackjack afterwards!

  4. Tahtimbo, it's always a bit greasier than I like. According to my husband it is a must have! Check out the post with pictures from Pizza Nova. Now that was good pizza )

  5. Matthew, they won that game 5 to 4! Unfortunately we didn't stop for blackjack as we had a long ride home and company coming the following day. We were also leaving the following Tuesday for a casino bus trip. Next time :)


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