
Friday, October 17, 2008

A Brilliant Award!

I was quite shocked and surprised to surf onto Tahtimbo's blog Everyday Living to find he had awarded me the Brilliant Award!

This is quite an honour! I can't believe someone thinks my blog is brilliant! Thank-you so very much for bestowing this award on my blog. It gives me great pleasure to hear that others enjoy my blog. My family and friends deserve this award as well for being my willing taste testers and putting up with my many, many food photo shoots. My readers also deserve this award for making this blog more by reading, commenting, offering suggestions and just being there. Thank-you everyone!

Please take a moment to stop by Tahtimbo's blog and say hi. Tahtimbo is a stay-at-home dad in Idaho, USA who has a wonderful sense of humour. His blog is well worth the read so settle back with a nice hot cup of cocoa and few homemade cookies. I'm sure you will enjoy his entries as much as I do.

The rules for this award are:
  • Create a post and choose 7 or more blogs that you find brilliant in either their content, design, or both.
  • Link to the person who presents the award to you
  • Show the names and links to those you pass the award to.
  • Leave a comment on their site to let them know that they have won an award
I would like to award the following bloggers for the Brilliant Award. I hope they accept they accept the award and proudly display it on their blogs:


  1. Thanks for the award.. will grab it tonight..

  2. Thank you very much for the award! Your blog is always so interesting and informative, and it's a delight to visit. :)

  3. Thank you very much for the award. That is so sweet of you. I will surely post it in my blog and will let you know. I never though that someone would think of it as such. Have a wonderful Sunday. :)


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