
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And the Road Trip Begins

Road trips are always fun but this one was special because after considerable red tape and over a year of frustration, one of our kids was finally getting married in Wisconsin! We had planned on leaving here about 9 am with the first stop being an 11 am appointment to have the two front tires replaced. As with all plans sometimes life throws in a curve ball. My husband had been away on his annual boat cruise. Horrible storms came through the night they were coming through so he was only able to get our boat to a safe harbour. First thing Thursday morning we headed to the marina where our boat slip is. A friend met us there and drove us to where the boat was. We had to drive the boat across the lake then up the channel and back to the slip. This put us behind schedule but it was nice to get a boat ride in before leaving.


Raspberries are now available at the U-pick. They are expensive even if you pick your own. Picked is $8 per quart or $2.25 per half pint at the road side stand or $5 per quart if you pick your own. I love raspberry jam so will be doing a small batch. A quart is needed for each 500 ml jar of low sugar jam using Pomona's pectin so as jam goes this is expensive. However, it will be a premium gourmet style of jam. I will likely use 250 ml jars instead of the 500 ml jars.

Raspberries and blueberries are always expensive here. One of our favourite ways to enjoy them is fresh over homemade yogurt. We enjoyed a nice dish of berries and yogurt before we left for the official road trip.

Big Mac

We arrived at the tire place about 2 pm. It was a very hot, humid, stiffling day certainly not suitable weather to be walking anywhere. They said it would be about an hour wait. We walked the few feet next door to McDonald's. It was the only restaurant within walking distance. We figured if we had a bite to eat while waiting for the tires we wouldn't have to stop en route for more than a washroom break.

My husband said there was no way I would share this with my readers and found it quite amusing when I assured him I would. As you know I am not a huge fan of fast food restaurants even when travelling so why not share those very few times we do eat fast food? This was the only fast food restaurant stop of the entire trip.

I ordered the Big Mac meal. It came with the burger, fries and a drink (I got ice tea). The burger had two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. It left me wondering where's the beef but that's just feeds into that other cute commercial. Seriously, I had to lift the top of the bun to see if there really were patties on the burger. The worst part of this fast food meal is the burger failed miserably on the taste test. I really wasn't sure if I was eating the burger itself or the box it came in. The anemic looking fries actually weren't all that bad with ketchup other than they were quite salty. Sadly I thought of the very first time I had a Big Mac when I was about 12 years old. I was amazed at the size and taste! We lived in a very small community and my Mom didn't drive so I did not grow up with fast food other than the occasional frozen pizza. I never acquired the taste for fast food restaurants which likely is a good thing.

Double Quarter Pounder

My husband ordered the Double Quarter Pounder meal that came with fries, burger and drink. It was apparent the burger patties were larger on this burger and there was less bun. His opinion of the burger was not anymore favourable than mine. The only thing good we could say about this meal other than it was fast is the ice tea was nice. It wasn't that pre-sweetened ice tea but rather simple actual tea.

As a whole McDonald's is quite disappointing but it is fast, inexpensive and you basically know what you are going to get. This one was decorated in a hockey theme that was quite cute. The meal for the two of us was about $13 but when you see some of the other food we ate on this road trip and see how it compares in terms of price and quality it just reinforces my idea that making a stop at a road side restaurant gives a better bang for your buck.

The next few entries centre on foods we ate on the road trip as well as foods I brought home. Trust me there really is no reason for a road trip unless you can enjoy good food and bring some of it back with you. Tomorrow I will share the ok so adorable wedding cheesecake and wedding restaurant meal.


  1. Raspberries are not too difficult to start and they don't take up a lot of room. I got some runners from my friend a few years ago, they are growing in a row of about 10 feet. I always get more than enough for eating and making jam. :)

  2. I like your gnome :)

    My problem is we bought here last year moving in June. The grounds are quite mature so we have been doing more ripping out than planting. We are in the process of re-establishing raised vegetable and herb beds. Finding space for a 10 foot stretch of raspberry bushes would be a real problem but I am definitely going to try.

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I just wanted to say that I love your writing style. It's so detailed!

    Oh, and McDonalds tastes like salted cardboard and (as you know), should only be eaten in the most desperate of situations.

  4. Thank-you for the lovely compliment FrugalFergie! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying my blog.


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