
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Cobb Salad at Magnolia's

It is amazing how presenting the same ingredients in a new fashion makes them taste different. Remember you eat with your eyes first! Now we are huge salad eaters so I'm always looking for new ways to present the common salad.

Cobb Salad

The Cobb salad according to Wikipedia was created in 1937 by robert H. Cobb. It is a garden salad that became a signature menu item of the legendary Brown Derby in Hollywood. So why is it that this is the year 2008 and I had never heard of a Cobb salad? It's not like I don't eat out and I always order salads with lunch or dinner. Actually when eating out lunch generally is a salad. How could this possibly be?

Magnolia's Veranda (Four Queens) had a nice selection of salads with a lunch salad for $7.95 without a player's card and $5.95 with the player's card. Their salads are huge, much more than one person can eat. They come out on a small oval shaped platter. So it was with the Cobb salad. I had to order this salad just to see what it was.

The salad consisted of a thick bed of lettuce with the toppings arranged in a linear fashion. Toppings on this Cobb salad consisted of red onions, English cucumbers, turkey, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, blue cheese and bacon pieces all arranged to form stripes across the lettuce. It was served with a small pitcher of desired dressing which of course is Thousand Island for me. This really was a presentation thing with the toppings forming neat stripes. I really liked the presentation so will be trying this at home.


  1. I LOVE Cobb Salads!!!
    Thanks for bringing this up, what a great lunch I'll end up having!!!

  2. You're welcome Mamaflo :)


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