
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Divinity aka Pink Clouds

Of all the holidays, cookies and candies seem to be in high demand. They are great for gift giving and holiday entertaining. It not like I don't make cookies though out the year but for Christmas, I tend to go all out with familiar family favourites as well as new recipes. However, the Christmas season is the main candy making time for me.

Pink Clouds

Divinity is a lovely, melt in your mouth treat. I've made it many times. This was the first time I used the KitchenAid® stand mixer to make divinity. I turned my attention away from the mixer for one second so ended up with a slightly thicker mixture but the candy still tastes great so I've named them pink clouds. One of our kids who is my official taste tester this season has given them the seal of approval.

Divinity (Pink Clouds)
source: Better Homes and Gardens Cookies and Candies, 1972. Pp. 79.
modified: by author

2½ c granulated sugar
½ c light corn syrup
½ c water
¼ tsp salt
2 egg whites
1 tsp pure white vanilla
1/2 c chopped nut (optional)
food colouring (optional)

Cook the sugar, corn syrup, water and salt to hard-ball stage (260ºF) stirring only until the sugar dissolves. When the temperature reaches 250ºF, beat 2 egg whites until stiff peaks form on setting 8 of KitchenAid® stand mixer. When the syrup reaches 260ºF, slowly pour the syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream. Continue whisking on setting 8 for 1 minute. Add vanilla and food colour. Reduce to setting 4 for 20 minutes (KitchenAid® manual) [my note: This is too long! It really only took about 5 minutes as per original recipe]. Stir in nuts if desired. Drop candy mixture onto wax paper. Swirl top.
Makes 40

My notes: Even though this candy works well if over beat, ideally you want to beat just to the point where the candy loses it's sheen not dry as the KitchenAid® manual indicates. Then work quickly to form the candy.


  1. thanks for dropping in at my blog, gg!

    lol! i love the way you said the kool-aid fudge looked "interesting"
    i use that word alot, when i'm looking at an ugly baby, for example.
    "oh what in intereting little face she has!" *grins*
    it's ok.......i think it's "interesting" too! (as in one taste was enough, thank you!)
    but the little guys just loved it!

  2. Jayedee, I drop by your blog(s) quite often. I almost exclusively use the term "interesting" in reference to foods. Something that looks interesting means that's something I'm going to try and possibly tweak. Hmmm, I don't really have a term for ugly babies since I've never seen one yet. Babies bring a beauty well beyond their physical appearance that just always amazes me.

    Grandbaby's first birthday celebration is on Sunday so I'm going to try a batch of your fudge. All the little cousins will be the taste testers :) I'll let you know how it comes out.

    Take care,


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