
Monday, June 25, 2007

Baked Salmon Steaks

As the move date draws closer and more things are packed I feel less like cooking so am turning to easier, quick to prepare meals. Baked salmon steaks fit that criteria last night. The meal used up two of the remaining four potatoes, two salmon steaks (freezer), peaches & cream corn (freezer) and my last lemon (refrigerator).

Baked Salmon Steak

Salmon steaks are one of our favourite either grilled or baked. Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids making it one of the good foods to eat. Left-overs can be made into a filling for sandwiches and wraps. It can be baked or grilled from frozen in about 20 minutes and in less time if using fresh.

Salmon has a nice, rich flavour that goes nicely with rosemary, butter, lemon, thyme and chives. I insist on both butter and lemon when either grilling or baking salmon then use the desired herbs to compliment the side dishes. I like keeping the sides simple so as to not overpower the flavour of the salmon.

Baked Salmon Steaks

1 salmon steak per person
herbed butter
juice on half lemon
lemon slices

Place the salmon steaks in a baking dish or 2-piece broiling pan*. Brush with the herbed butter. Sprinkle generously with lemon juice and place one slice of lemon on top. Bake at 350ºF for 15 minutes or until the fish feels just firm to the touch. Do not over bake. Remove from baking dish and serve as is with a wedge of fresh lemon.

* If using a broiling pan, put a little water in the bottom tray to prevent smoking.


  1. I have GOT to stop reading your blog before lunch. Lunch is in 2 hours and now I am STARVING!!!

    Hehehehehehehe :D

    Hubby isn't into fish (tho he will eat the occasional BBQ salmon steak), but maybe I can tempt him with this recipe.

  2. LOL! I'm glad you are enjoying my blog. The salmon has a wonderful texture and flavour. I hope you husband gives it a try.


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