
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Victoria Day Weekend - My Husband's Burgers

Warning: This post may evoke serious cravings and incessant drooling! You may notice signs of addiction after one bite of these burgers.

We like to frequent a place that makes huge, delicious hamburgs served only with sides of sliced onions, dill pickles, ketchup and mustard. Cheese is optional. Several years ago my husband decided to duplicate these burgers at home. The rest is history. He has more than perfected the art of the homemade burger. These are simply the best burgers around! They are a real treat and once you see the size you will know why.

On the Grill

He starts out with fresh ground that day, lean ground beef. Then he mixes in his secret blend of spices and forms them into huge (about 1/2 lb) patties. He grills them on a hot grill flipping only once. One secret I learned from him is he never presses the patties down to flatten even though the the patties will shrink and thicken a little. The reason for not flattening is this will release all those yummy juices you want in the burger. Once the patties have been flipped and grilled to medium rare. He adds slices of real cheese, none of those processed cheese slices for these burgers! We've experimented with cheeses and have found cheddar, Asiago and Swiss to be among our favourites for these burgers. The hot, cheese laden patties are then place on fresh homemade, lightly toasted buns (my department).

Fully Loaded

I use a basic white bread recipe for the buns (in archives) but sometimes use a whole wheat recipe. While my husband is grilling the burgers, I get the condiments ready. I mix a little mustard with mayonnaise to spread on the top bun. Garden fresh lettuce and beefsteak tomatoes are standard but sometimes store bought has to do in the off season. The onions of choice are Spanish or red, normally uncooked but sometimes sauteed if there is a request. Mushrooms sauteed in butter and homemade dill pickles and hot pepper slices complete the condiments. Even though ketchup and mustard is offered it is seldom used. I include a side of potato chips but really a side is not needed.


This is a sloppily cut burger and not the best picture. I should have put a ruler beside it as a gauge. Fully topped with the pattie and condiments, the overall height is about six inches. I kid you not! Ladies, this is one burger you will need to cut into half. I can just barely finish a half but only if I'm really hungry.

The patties freeze nicely in case you have that craving for a huge burger or you have extras. If freezing, freeze one or two per bag and vacuum seal. Re-heat by placing the bag in boiling water until the burger is heated through, about 10 minutes. This will retain any juices making the burger taste as fresh as the day it was made.


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