
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Ultimate Hot Dog

My husband called yesterday inquiring as to what was for dinner. It was mid-morning so I hadn't decided on anything yet. He said he would make dinner but wouldn't tell me what. He brought home Schneiders Juicy Jumbos® 100% beef weiners and fancy sausage buns. He must have had a craving as we seldom have hot dogs even during the main outdoor grilling season.

The Ultimate Hot Dog

The method of cooking this hot dog is as important as the toppings. This hot dog was made using colby cheese but you could substitute another cheese of your choice other than processed cheese slices. The hot dog was then topped with homemade relish and homemade ketchup. Again, if you don't make these products, you can substitute with your normal product.

Ultimate Hot Dogs

6 Schneiders Juicy Jumbos® 100% beef weiners
6 sausage buns
1 onion, chopped
colby cheese, cut into thin 1 inch wide slices

Sauté onions until translucent and lightly carmelized. Heat indoor (or outdoor) grill and fry pan. If you don't have an grill, toast the buns in the same pan you fry the buns in. Slice the weiners lenghtwise but not fully through just so them open hinge like. Place in heated fry pan and fry without oil until warmed through and lightly browned. Turn over, place the cheese on the cut side of the weiners then put a lid on just until cheese is melted. At the same time, open the buns and place face down on indoor grill. Leave buns until toasted and grill marks show. Place the weiner with cheese on the bun. Cover with the onions. Top with condiments if desired.
Serves 4-6


  1. Oh Josh, you will so love these hot dogs! Enjoy!

  2. Interesting. Seems like a lot of work though.........

  3. hotdogman, one bite and any work put into this hot dog will be deemed well worth it! It's a gastronomical delight :)

  4. Now that's my kind of cooking! Yum!


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