
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Slowcooker (Crockpot) Pork Shoulder Roast

I've mentioned in other entries that I am not a huge fan of crockpots even though I have two. They are mainly used during bulk cooking sessions. With the house being on the market I decided to do a few more meals in the crockpots for a couple of reasons. These include having a ready to eat meal without a lot of mess since for some obscene reason people insist on viewing the house during the dinner hour. The side effects are the house smells wonderful and if needbe a short delay doesn't mean a burnt dinner. But I think what it is also providing is nice homecooked meals consistent with our lifestyle or in short giving us comfort food to help ease the stress.

Crockpot Pork Shoulder Roast

Normally I like cooking pork shoulder roast in the oven but I knew the day was going to be hectic so hauled out the crockpot. I knew I would be away for the morning but the house was pretty much ready for showing. This was so easy!

Method: I placed a frozen pork shoulder roast in the crockpot, added about 1/2 c of water then tossed in a medium onion chopped and set the crockpot to low. That was about 8 am in the morning. I had no idea what sides I was going to serve but already had an idea for the sauce. When I got home about 2:30 pm I poured in 3/4 of a bottle of Dianna Sauce® Original Flavour over the roast then let it continue cooking. About 1/2 hour before serving, I thickened the juices with a little flour slurrey (flour mixed with water to a runny consistency).

Serving Suggestion: This meat literally melts in your mouth, it is so tender! I served it with balsmatic rice, homecanned green beans and a tossed salad. Left overs are ideal for sandwiches the following day.


  1. Shhhhh... don't tell anyone, but that kind of looks like a brain!!

  2. LOL! It does a bit. I was sure the wrapper said pork shoulder roast. Hmm?

  3. I will try to get my wife to try this one....mmmmm looks good

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I managed to find my roast too dry!
    At first I removed a lot of fat/skin than roasted the meat in a cast iron pan with butter and oil, then hop in the crockpot at high for 6 hours with 2 cups of broth.
    2nd attempt: same thing at low setting this time for 8-10 hours... it was difficult to shred, as if it was not cooked enough.
    3rd attempt, I though OK let's do it again but with the fat/skin and cook it a little longer(12 hours at low)... again the meat is tender and easy to shred, but it feels too dry when we eat it even if there was still a lot of broth in the pot.
    Can you help?
    For how long do you cook it?

  5. Hi Anonymous :) The first trick to cooking pork shoulder roast is to not trim any fat off until after cooking. The second trick is to add some type of sauce some type of bbq sauce with vinegar as an ingredient rather than broth alone. The final trick is to cook long and slow. The longer and slower you cook a pork should roast the more tender it will be. Eliminate the roasting process in the cast iron pan then cook on low in the crockpot instead of high. Increase the cook time to about 8 hrs or until the meat starts falling apart when touched with a fork. Carefully remove from crockpot and pull off the fat. Quick cool the juices and remove the top layer of fat. Set juices aside. Shred the meat with two forks pulling in opposite directions. It should be very tender and moist without any sauce. Add the broth and/or additional sauce to the shredded meat.


  6. I put a nearly 8 lb roast on at 12 this afternoon. It's still cooking on high at 3:30 (now). Do you think this roast will be done by 7:30 pm? I hope so!! Thanks!

  7. Hi Tracy and thanks for visiting. I honestly don't know if your roast will be ready by that time since I don't know the size or wattage of your slowcooker. This method took from about 8 am from frozen to about 6 PM so about 10 hours. If you started with fresh roast then I would say it should be ready but again that will depend on the wattage of your slowcooker.

  8. That sounds like a great way to do a pork shoulder Jeremy. I will have to try it that way. Thanks for sharing the way you did yours'

  9. Looks like a great recipe, and I need to try this out sometime. I get a LOT of mileage out of our slow-cooker. Sunday morning before church I'll start it up with chicken, lamb, etc, and just let it run all day, and it makes for a great easy-going Sunday dinner.

  10. Hi Rob and thanks for visiting. I just recently purchased a new slow cooker so am working on learning to use it more effectively.

  11. Evelyn3:08 PM

    Hi GG,
    I don't understand how anyone would not like their crock pot! I have several & will often have an entire dinner going at once, spread thru several of them. But, you do so much more canning that you can have meal elements pre-made in the jars.
    I'm working toward that, which brings me to a question, can you can the balsamic rice? If we can baked beans, we should be able to can rice.... right? How much rice would you put in to liquid? PC pints for 60 min@11lbs (sea level).

  12. Hi Evelyn and thanks for visiting. I honestly have not liked using a slow cooker right from the time of being a newlywed. I'm currently learning to enjoy my newest slow cooker bought only because I had to buy a slower cooker for our vacation home. I find I can get better, quicker and less expensive results using a pressure cooker.

    Rice is one of those things that should not be canned although some have reported good results with small amounts of rice in soups. It like is a quality issue as far as I can see. I personally would not can rice at home because I don't have a need. I have a rice maker to make it fresh and rice freezes nicely too.

  13. Gnome - when you say "1/2 c of water", is that half a cup? I know you use different measurements in Canada.

  14. Hi Emm, yes that would be a half cup of water. A little extra won't hurt, it will just give you a bit extra sauce.

  15. great roast. give me a slice with a glass of wine. this is great for small event.


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