
Monday, March 19, 2007

A Guest Blogger

Today will be special in that I'm planning on posting two entries today. In less than 2 hours I'm having a lower wisdom tooth extracted which means soft foods for me for a few days. I thought I would focus on that since I haven't seen any sites with these types of recipes. Oh sure I could toss everything into a blender but that wouldn't be much fun. So watch for the second posting later today.

I've posted over a hundred entries now! It doesn't seem possible especially since most of them have pictures and recipes. Since my blog started last April you have seen a change in the way I present pictures of my food. I've been playing with Adobe Photoshop CS for the past few months and learning animation. My goal is to enhance my blogs with pleasing photos.

Please welcome my guest for the week, WannabeTVChef Kevin Aston has been a chef for 30 years who has worked in Amsterdam, Bermuda and the USA. He has been the chef for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, President Bush, President Reagan, former President Nixon, former Vice-President Mondale, Senator E. Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Alexander Haig, Admiral Crowe (former US Ambassador to Britain) also many famous movie stars including...Michelle Pfeiffer, Paul Newman, Linda Carter, Omar Sheriff, and TV personalities such as Larry King. He is an experienced cooking demonstrator having performed in front of large audiences at food shows both sides of the Atlantic including the BBC Good Food Show (NEC), The Homes & Garden Show(NEC), and The Total Sandwich Show at Olympia in London. I've worked for companies including, Asda, Heinz, Somerfield, Pork Farm Bowyer's & Knorr, doing cooking demonstrations. Kevin is currently writing a weekly recipe column for the Birmingham Sunday Mercury and writing his first book. Please visit his blog by clicking on the link in the right hand side.

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