
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Couple of Blogging Foodie Friends

March 26, 2007
As this blog approaches it's 1 year birthday, I'd like to take a moment to thank each and everyone of your for reading my cooking blog. I appreciate all the emails and comments. Thanks to my many friends on my Yahoo groups who check in to see what I'm cooking. I'd like to say a special thanks to those who link to my blog.

Jodi who has a link on her blog, This Handmade Life. Jodi lives in Central Maine with her husband Halis, son Isaac (an adorable 2 year old) and friend Meaghan who stays with Jodi's family quite often. Meaghan is like a big sister to Isaac. She is a wonderful person with a great blog so please stop by and say hello to her! I met Jodi on a Yahoo group dedicated to frugal living in all aspects but especially with respect to frugal cooking.

JeanC's Cat House & Shooting Society links to my blog and she was kind enough to mention it on The Good Eat's Fan Club so thank-you very much Jean! Jean lives in the wilds of North Idaho with her husband and three spoiled cats. She loves cooking and is an ex-army brat. Trust me, Jean is a real sweetheart and her cats are pretty cute too! She's going through health problems right now so hugs and good wishes are always welcomed. Please stop by and say hi to her.

The Little Red Hens is a delightful blog by Jessica, Julie, Ruth and Bonny who are dedicated to the fine art of homemaking. This is a family run blog from what I gather. Their recipes and food ideas are great, well worth the stop over to say hi.

To each and everyone of you who have made this blog a success, thank-you so very much!


  1. Thank you so much for including us on your blog. We visit it regularly. I did notice that the link you placed to my blog does not seem to be working. Here is the url:

    Thanks again!!!

  2. You are quite welcome :) I am a firm believer in sharing great blogs where ever and whenever I can.

  3. Thank you for clearing up the url on your website. Your wonderful blog has inspired me to cook more ... so thank you (and my family thanks you).


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