
Friday, January 05, 2007


We are doing a road trip late this afternoon to visit the kids and new grandbaby so I decided to take a lasagne.

My lasagnes are based on two things, lots of cheese and my homemade meat sauce that was shown in an earlier blog entry. Because I'm playing with cheeses at the moment, this lasage has the following cheeses: emmentale, asaigo, parmesan reggiano, extra sharp cheddar, mild cheddar and fresh mozzarella.

This picture was taken just before the final layer. You will notice this lasagne is not made in a traditional lasagne pan but that is for a reason. I used a large disposable roasting pan and since I only had oval ones on hand that had to do. The reason I decided to do this is I wanted lots of left-overs for the kids. They need a break with a new baby and lasagne freezes and re-heats nicely so it is the perfect meal to take.

My method for lasagne is layer of sauce, layer of cheese, layer of noodles. Cheeses may vary and normally the first layer has a light topping of cottage cheese on it but I was out and wasn't going to drive to town for cottage cheese! I also often add a layer of spinach or swiss chard but not today. Once all the layers are in place as seen here, I add a final layer of grated cheeses. Since we are traveling two and a half hours I decided to cover with parchment paper then tin foil. It will go into a hot/cold insulated bag then cooked when we get there for a later dinner. My husband thought I should cook it here then put into the bag for transport but I really think that is just too iffy.

If I'm not too much into grandma mode, I'll post a picture of the lasagne cut when we get back. This is a very short trip but we wanted to see the kids before we fly out on the sixteenth and this was the best weekend. I'll likely be back up there this coming week as he goes back to work so an extra pair of helping hands might come in handy.

Garden Gnome
© 2007

PS. I promise the blog will get back to normal shortly just as soon as things settle down a bit.

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